Monday, September 23, 2013

On the way to Osmotherley

        Today's walk was an agricultural tour.  We walked by fields and saw humongous machines  plowing, flinging manure around and seeding. And all the while, on the horizon, the Cleveland Hills and Yorkshire moors, the last barrier to cross before we reach the sea, loomed closer and larger. 

     At this point the C2C requires you do a really stupid thing, something I'm sure your mother would not approve of. It runs smack into the A19, which is not really a freeway, it's a "dual carriage way". Walkers have to wait for a break in the lorries roaring by and dart across. Look right! It's amazing how neurologically hard wired the head swivel to the left to check for on-coming traffic is. Write it on the back of your hand or the top of your boots: Look right!


This is actually the second Really Stupid Thing we've down. The first was the descent from Mt Helvelyn, which is a vertigo inducing hands and bum descent down a rock face. In the US, you'd have to sign a liability waiver first.  In the US, it would be fenced off: " Danger! No Admittance!"   In the US, they would have built a gondola to carry you down.  

  But we lived through both. I suggested we eat our lunch/snack in the medium of the A19 but we crossed in two sprints and pushed on. We ended up taking off our boots and wiggling our toes while eating Snickers bar on a bench in the next town. ("Donated by the Parish Council on the Occasion of the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2003.")

Osmotherly, North Yorkshire. 

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